I was out of town when I heard about the plane crash with DJ AM and Travis Barker. It came as a great shock because you think people who are famous and have money somehow don't deal with problems like these. It's a very sad situation and I hope AM and Travis can fully recover from this.Or much as you can after a tragedy like this because I know it will always be in your mind.
I remember watching Chris on "Meet the Barkers" on MTV. I always thought he had the best job on the planet! He was Travis's assistant and handled the day to day affairs. I would of traded shoes with him in a second. One day I stopped in the surplus store on Santa Monica and Vine in Hollywood. Just as I was leaving Lil Chris walked in and was talking to the workers. They seemed to know him and he was ordering tons of stuff. I introduced myself, told him I'd like to give him a War DVD and said we have Skinhead Rob on the new one. He was nice guy and took the DVD. He said they were recording at a nearby studio. I said peace and that was that. Well RIP Chris im glad I got to meet you, even if it was only for a brief second. My deepest condolences for his family as he leaves behind a wife and child.
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